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Consider the following statement (s) is/are correct about Indian System of Philosophy I. All the schools emphasize that the philosophy must have a positive impact on life of man. II. The schools have a general agreement on the importance of the Purushartha. III. All the schools agree that the philosophy should help man in realizing the main ends of human life: the purusharthas, i.e. artha, kama, dharma and moksha.Which of the above statement (s) is/are correct? 

1.Only I

2.Only II

3.Both I & II

4.I, II & III

Consider the following statement (s) is/are related to the Adi Shankara I. Adi Shankara is most known for his systematic reviews and commentaries (Bhasyas) on ancient Indian texts. II. Adi Sankara organised the Hindu monks under four Mathas (??) (monasteries), with the headquarters at Dvaraka in the West, Jagannatha Puri in the East, Sringeri in the South and Badrikashrama in the North. Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

1.I only

2.II only

3.Both I and II

4.Neither I nor II

Consider the following statement (s) is/are related to the Characteristics of Indian Philosophy I. All the schools emphasize that the philosophy must have a positive impact on life of man. The schools have a general agreement on the importance of the Purushartha. II. All the schools agree that the philosophy should help man in realizing the main ends of human life: the purusharthas, i.e. artha, kama, dharma and moksha. Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

1.I only

2.II only

3.Both I and II

4.Neither I nor II

Consider the following statement (s) is/are related to the Indian Political Philosophy I. The Arthashastra, attributed to the Mauryan minister Chanakya in the 4th Century B.C., is one of the earliest Indian texts devoted to political philosophy, and it discusses ideas of statecraft and economic policy. II. During the Indian struggle for independence in the early 20th Century, Mahatma Gandhi popularized the philosophies of ahimsa (non-violence) and satyagraha (non-violent resistance), III. Gandhian Philosophy was influenced by the teachings of the Hindu Bhagavad Gita, as well as Jesus, Tolstoy, Thoreau and Ruskin. Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?

1.Only I

2.Only II

3.Both I & II

4.I, II & III

Consider the following statement (s) is/are related to the Nyaya School I. Its methodology is based on a system of logic that has subsequently been adopted by the majority of the Indian schools, in much the same way as Aristotelian logic has influenced Western philosophy. II. The goal is to quiet one?s mind and achieve kaivalya (solitariness or detachment). Which of the above statement (s) is/are correct? 

1.Only I

2.Only II

3.Both I & II

4.Neither I nor II

Consider the following statement (s) is/are related to the Nyaya Sutras I. Its methodology is based on a system of logic that has subsequently been adopted by the majority of the Indian schools, in much the same way as Aristotelian logic has influenced Western philosophy. II. Its followers believe that obtaining valid knowledge (the four sources of which are perception, inference, comparison and testimony)  (PICT) is the only way to gain release from suffering. Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

1.I only

2.II only

3.Both I and II

4.Neither I nor II

Consider the following statement (s) is/are related to the Purva Mimamsa I. System of Purva Mimamsa was propagated by sage Jaimini, a disciple of Veda Vyasa. II. The main objective of the Purva Mimamsa School is to interpret and establish the authority of the Vedas. Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

1.I only

2.II only

3.Both I and II

4.Neither I nor II

Consider the following statement (s) is/are related to the Purva Mimamsa I. This school eventually merged because of their closely related metaphysical theories (although Vaisheshika only accepted perception and inference as sources of valid knowledge). II. Mimamsa accept the logical and philosophical teachings of the other schools, they insist that salvation can only be attained by acting in accordance with the prescriptions of the Vedas. Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct? 

1.I only

2.II only

3.Both I and II

4.Neither I nor II

Consider the following statement (s) is/are related to the Shuddhadvaita Consider the following statement (s) is/are related to the Shuddhadvaita sampradaya (?tradition of Vallabh?) or Pushtimarg (?The path of grace?), a Hindu Vaishnava tradition focused on the worship of Krishna. II. Vallabhacharya believes that God (Brahm) is pure and non-dualistic, but at the same time, unlike Shankaracharya, he strongly believes that the souls and Nature (universe) are not illusion but real. Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

1.I only

2.II only

3.Both I and II

4.Neither I nor II

Consider the following statement (s) is/are related to the Uttara Mimamsa or Vedanta  The Vedanta, or Uttara Mimamsa, school concentrates on the philosophical teachings of the Upanishads (mystic or spiritual contemplations within the Vedas), rather than the Brahmanas (instructions for ritual and sacrifice). II. The Vedanta focus on meditation, self-discipline and spiritual connectivity, more than traditional ritualism. Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct? 

1.I only

2.II only

3.Both I and II

4.Neither I nor II

Consider the following statement (s) is/are related to the Vaisheshika I. The Vaisheshika School was founded by Kapila Muni in the 6th Century B.C., and it is atomist and pluralist in nature. II. The basis of the school?s philosophy is that all objects in the chemical universe are reducible to a finite number of atoms, and Brahman is regarded as the fundamental force that causes consciousness in these atoms.  Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

1.I only

2.II only

3.Both I and II

4.Neither I nor II

Consider the following statement (s) is/are related to the Visishtadvaita I. VishishtAdvaita (?Advaita with uniqueness; qualifications?) is a non-dualistic school of Vedanta philosophy. II. Ramanuja, the main proponent of Vishishtadvaita philosophy contends that the Prasthana Traya (?The three courses?), namely the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Brahma Sutras are to be interpreted in a way that shows this unity in diversity.  Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

1.I only

2.II only

3.Both I and II

4.Neither I nor II

Consider the following statement (s) is/are related to the Yoga I. Yoga accepts the twenty five principles of Sankhya school along with Isvara or God as the twenty-sixth. So it is more theistic.  II. Yoga gives the theological steps to realize the purusha distinct from prakriti.  Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct? 

1.I only

2.II only

3.Both I and II

4.Neither I nor II

How many schools of orthodox in the School of Indian Philosophy?





Select the correct statement(s) related to the Jain Philosophy?

1.The central tenets of Jain philosophy were established by Mahavira in the 6th Century B.C., although Jainism as a religion is much older.

2.A basic principle is anekantavada, the idea that reality is perceived differently from different points of view, and that no single point of view is completely true (similar to the Western philosophic

3.Both A & B

4.Neither A nor B

The term Philosophy is derived from which of the following?

1.Ancient Greek

2.Ancient Roman

3.Hebrew Language


The Vaisheshika School was founded by:

1.Kapila Muni

2.Gautama Muni



Which is the ultimate goal of education in Jainism?




4.Voluntary promotion of human welfare

Which of the following are the form pairs of orthodox systems? 




4.All of the above

Which of the following are the two division Schools of Indian Philosophy?

1.Buddhism and Jainism

2.Advaita and Dwitya

3.Theistic and Atheistic

4.Orthodox and Heterodox

Which of the following is the basic tattvas or principles Sankhya System?

1.Prakriti or primordial matter (matter, creative agency, energy) ; and Purusha or individual conscious being (self or soul or mind)

2.Prakriti or primordial matter (matter, creative agency, energy) ; and Yoga (self or soul or mind)

3.Prakriti or primordial matter (matter, creative agency, energy) ; and Ayurveda

4.None of the above

Which of the following is the ceremony of initiation of education in Buddhism?





Which of the following is the correct sequence of creation as per Samkhya Philosophy?

1.Purusakta, Prakrati, Ahankar, Mahat

2.Prakrati, Purusa, Ahankar, Mahat

3.Prakrati, Purusa, Mahat, Alankar

4.Purusa, Prakrati, Mahat, Ahankar

Which of the following is the oldest system of the orthodox Indian Philosophical Systems?





Which of the following is/are correct key principles of ?Doctrine of Materialism?? I. All things are made of earth, air, fire and water. II. That which cannot be perceived does not exist; to exist implies to be perceivable. III. Heaven and hell are nothing but inventions. The only goal of humans is to enjoy pleasures and avoid pain. IV. Providing a good living for the priests is a sufficient explanation for the practice of religion. Code.

1.Only I

2.Both II & IV

3.Both II & III

4.I, II, III and IV

Which of the following is/are correct statement(s) related to the Buddhist Philosophy?

1.Buddhist philosophy deals extensively with problems in metaphysics, phenomenology, ethics and epistemology.

2.Buddhism is a non-theistic system of beliefs based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, an Indian prince later known as the Buddha, in the 5th Century B.C.

3.Both A & B

4.Netheir A nor B

Which of the following is/are mantra of Jainism?

1.All sinful acts are renounced for life-long

2.All philanthropies acts are renounced for life-long

3.Both A & B

4.None of the above

Which of the following is/are the key principle of Vishishtadvaita?




4.All of the above

Which of the following is/are the main objective of Purva Mimansa?

1.The main objective of the Purva Mimamsa School is to interpret and establish the authority of the Vedas.

2.The main objective of the Purva Mimamsa school is to concentrates on the philosophical teachings of the Upanishads (mystic or spiritual contemplations within the Vedas), rather than the Brahmanas (ins

3.Only A

4.Both A & B

Which of the following philosophy advocates the individualism?

1.Philosophy of Jainism

2.Philosophy of Samkhya

3.Philosophy of Buddhism

4.None of the above

Which of the following philosophy is attributed to the Makkhali Gosala?

1.C?rv?ka philosophy

2.Ajivika philosophy

3.Buddhist philosophy

4.Jain philosophy

Which of the following philosophy stated ?Do not care to know various theories about God and Soul; do good and be good; that will take you to whatever truth there is? ?

1.Philosophy of Sankhya

2.Philosophy of Buddhism

3.Philosophy of Vedanta

4.Philosophy of Jainism

Which of the following place, Buddha was never depicted in a human form but was represented only as a symbol of either two footprints or wheel?




4.All of the above

Which of the following School accepted perception and inference as sources of valid knowledge?

1.Nyaya School


3.Both A & B

4.None of the above

Which of the following School challenges the authority of the Vedas as well as the hegemony the Brahman priests?

1.Charvaka Philosophy of Materialism

2.Ajivika School

3.Purva Mimamsa


Which of the following School is known as Lokayata. a term means Naturalist(Sanskrit) or Worldly (Pali)?

1.Ajivika School

2.Astika School

3.Charvaka school

4.None of the above

Which of the following School of art noted for its vitality and assimilative character just because of Brahmanism, Jainism and Buddhism?

1.Gandhara School of Art

2.Amaravati School of Art

3.Mathura School of art

4.None of the above

Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct about Indian School of Philosophy?

1.Jiva (a living being) is that state in which puru?a is bonded to prak?ti in some form.

2.Purusha, also called atma, is immutable, eternal and conscious by its very nature.

3.Both A & B

4.None of the above

Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct about Indian System of Philosophy?

1.The Indian philosophical systems are classified according as they accept the authority of the Vedas or not.

2.The systems of Indian philosophy are classified into two groups: The Orthodox Systems (astika or theistic) ; The Unorthodox Systems (nastika or atheistic)

3.Both A & B

4.Neither A nor B

Which of the following statement (s) is/are related to the Acintya Bheda Abheda? I. It is believed that this philosophy was taught by the movement?s theological founder Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (1486 ? 1534) and differentiates the Gaudiya (In Bengal) tradition from the other Vaishnava Sampradayas. II. It can best be understood as an integration of a strict dualist (Dvaita) view of Madhvacharya and the qualified monism Vishishtadvaita of Ramanujacharya while rejecting the absolute monism Advaita of Adi Sankara. Code:

1.I only

2.II only

3.Both I and II

4.Neither I nor II

Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct explanation of the the term Jiva?

1.It is that state in which puru?a is bonded to prak?ti in some form.

2.To realize the purusha distinct from prakriti.

3.It is immutable, eternal and conscious by its very nature.

4.It evolves from subtle to gross, and manifests the visible world.

Which of the following System of Indian Philosophy is not comprises the unorthodox systems?





Which of the following systems of Indian Philosophy uphold the ideology of Charvakism, Ajivika, Jainism and Buddhism?

1.Orthodox System of Indian Philosophy

2.Unorthodox System of Indian Philosophy

3.Both A & B

4.None of the above

Which of the following systems of Indian Philosophy uphold the ideology of Vaisheshika, Nyaya, Samkhya, Yoga, Purva-Mimamsa, and Uttar-Mimamsa?

1.Orthodox System of Indian Philosophy

2.Unorthodox System of Indian Philosophy

3.Both A & B

4.None of the above

Which of the following was the doctrine of Ajivika School?

1.Prushukta doctrine of absolute determinism

2.Historical Materialism

3.Niyati Doctrine of absolute determinism

4.Doctrine of Yoga

Which School is originally called Sanatana Dharma?

1.Nastika School

2.Astika School

3.Both of the above

4.None of the above

Who among the following founded Ajivika Sects in the 5th Century BCE?

1.Makkhali Gosala

2.Kapil Muni


4.None of the above

Who among the following written Nyaya School is based on the Nyaya Sutras?

1.Kapila Muni

2.Gautama Muni



Who was the founder of Sankhya system of Indian philosophy?

1.Kapila Muni

2.Gautama Muni




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